My biggest motivation right now is this guy:
Having the hubs deployed is the ultimate motivation. Once you take a day or two to drown your sorrows in chocolate and wine (not that I actually did this or anything...) it is time to start getting into homecoming shape! Not seeing G for seven months makes me want to look damn good when he comes home! And this motivation goes two ways because you can sure as heck bet he is heading straight to the ship's gym upon reading this. Have a good run, babe ;)
Another current motivator:
Ummmmm, who could not be motivated when they look down and see PINK shoes? Oh, wait...probably just me. I really am though. I look down and get a little giddy boost from that splash of pink :)
And one more:
My first race ever! I am running the 10k relay with an awesome friend. So, while 5k is no big thang to lots of people, it is pretty darn exciting to me. When I told the hubs that I was going to take up running while he was gone he literally laughed out loud. I am not in horrible shape, but running has NEVER been my thing. I used to wake him up early on a weekend morning, force him to run with me and then turn around and beg him to stop after less than a mile. I decided if I could survive a deployment I could do anything - becoming a runner included. Day one of deployment, I laced up my sneakers, loaded up the double Bob and took off. I wanted to stop, a lot. But I didn't and was beat by the time I got back to the house I thought I had really, really pushed myself...and then I wanted to cry when I looked at my mileage. .93 miles. That's right, not even a full mile. So, I quit. A month later I realized I needed to run. I needed to prove to myself that I could do this. So, I started again and I have stuck with it and much to my surprise I LOVE it! I do not love every second of every run, but I LOVE how I felt today when I ran three miles in less than 25 minutes today. I can be a runner, and in some weird way that makes me feel like I can do anything. I am planning an 8k this spring and maybe (even though I am still a little scared to say it out loud!) a half marathon in the fall.
Okay, that was not supposed to turn into my running saga...but in the spirit of motivation, maybe that will motivate one of you! What do you use for motivation to workout?
i have pink and gray shoes too :) it's not only you! why have ugly shoes when you can have cute ones? I'm with ya!
Things that motivate me:
When I pass someone in my car who is running outside, all bundled up, sweating.
When I remember that feeling of being finished, laying on the floor, so glad I did that.
When I have that extra glass of wine or brownie, I know I can enjoy it and not put it on my calorie tally for next week ...haha
When my husband is exercising, I am motived to return the favor- healthy couples, make happy couples, no matter the distance.
you go girl!
Jess - I so enjoy reading your blog. Even if I don't have 2 kiddos to chase after it definitely helps keep me motivated and is fun to read. Thanks for sharing!!!
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