BUT, I'mmmmmm baaaaaack! The good news is that I did not stop blogging because I was failing with my fitness quest. The opposite really! My madre, bless her heart, has been with us for the past few weeks and I have been taking full advantage of my live in nanny grandma. I have been living part time at my gym...I missed it so!
Anyway, I do have a point for this post. And it's a good one :) It's not original by any means, but I had a break though today and wanted to share it with all of you! I have said this before and I will say it again, I love excuses and will use them if I can. So, because I know that about myself, it is so important to set myself up for success. When it comes to food, I have to make eating healthy easy and quick or I will use that as an excuse and choose a less than healthy option. I have a ton of little tricks to make this happen, but the one I finally tried and cannot fathom not doing now is cutting my veggis when I get home from grocery shopping rather than when I need them. Ummmm, what, you're bored and totally not impressed with my less than ground breaking advice? Well, have you tried it? Seriously, cutting all my veggis has changed my daily eating habits. It makes it so, so easy to add them to eggs in the morning, stir fry at dinner, a salad is basically already made for you at lunch....fabulous! I never did this before because it seemed like a waste of time, but really it was a waste of food and money because I would have veggis go bad before I even used them. I have upped my veg intake so much and grab them for a snack because they are all ready to go. Give it a try, you will thank me :)
This drawer makes me a little too happy!
(p.s. does anyone have a recommendation for reusable little bags? I have using all the ziplocks, but they fit so much better than tupperware...)
www.reusit.com is awesome for re-useable bags and stuff!!!
also - GREAT advice!!! Definitely going to try that :)
LOVE IT!!!! Great post! You are amazing writer and I smile the whole time I am reading. I feel like we are sitting here having a conversation...LOVE IT! I think you are AWESOME!
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